Bacon Weave Mac and Cheese Taco

Bacon Weave Mac and Cheese Taco

Serves: 4 people
Cooking Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Bacon Weave Mac and Cheese Taco


  • 4 12 oz packs of bacon
  • 1 box gourmet mac and cheese
  • 1/2 cup salsa
  • 1/4 cup bread crumbs
  • Sour cream
  • Red chilis, sliced
  • Green onions, sliced
  • Parsley, chopped


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  1. Cover your workspace with plastic wrap, and arrange 7-8 slices of bacon horizontally in tight parallel rows.
  2. Begin to build the weave by starting in the center and folding back every other strip. Lay a slice of bacon perpendicular to the folded bacon. Unfold the strips over the newly added bacon strip.
  3. Now, fold over the strips that weren’t folded the first time. Lay a second perpendicular slice of bacon next to the first, then unfold the strips over it.
  4. Continue weaving the bacon, alternately folding and unfolding the strips over the perpendicular slices. (one pack of bacon equals one taco shell)
  5. Once you have a sheet of weaved bacon, place another sheet of plastic wrap over the top, and use a rolling pin to gently roll out the weave.
  6. Place on a rack over a lined baking sheet and bake at 350 F for 20-25 minutes or until starting to brown.
  7. Moving quickly, before the bacon begins to harden, place bacon weave sheet on cutting board, and use a bowl as a guide to cut a tortilla sized circle out of the bacon weave.
  8. Use a wooden skewer to hoist up the center of the circle to create a fold in the center of the bacon weave circle. Place either end of the skewer on the top of two mason jars.
  9. Let sit for a few minutes, then bake on mason jars for another 5-10 minutes or until done.
  10. Make the boxed macaroni and cheese while the bacon taco shells finish baking.
  11. Let bacon taco shells cool and stiffen before loading up with mac and cheese, salsa, bread crumbs, sour cream, red chilis, green onions, and parsley.
  12. Enjoy!